Giving Voice to Life
About SomaHolis
The SomaHolis Consultancy promotes health and wellbeing for life and work providing specialist coaching in personal development, wellness and wellbeing for both individuals and businesses underpinned by the principles of Conscious Body Awareness.
The Consultancy is led by Paul Ogden. Paul is one of the country’s leading voice and performance coaches specialising in interpersonal communication in business and personal development. He is also an experienced singing coach.
In the 1990s, whilst working as a strategic management consultant, he developed the ‘model of conscious communication’, a form of active mindfulness which provides the bedrock to his work with senior managers/executives and people from all walks of life. He is a qualified mediator, accredited by Regents College School of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
He is also an accomplished musician, singer, and composer. His book, ‘The Feldenkrais Method for Executive Coaches, Managers and Business Leaders’, co-written with Garet Newell (Educational Director of the Feldenkrais International Training Centre), was published by Routledge Focus in 2017.
Voice Coaching
Our voice is the primary tool we rely on for communicating with the World around us. And yet most of us take it for granted until, maybe, it doesn’t function in the way we would like it to, for example, when we are nervous or emotional.
SomaHolis Voice Coaching is designed not only for people who use their voice professionally but for anyone interested in developing a healthy voice that enables them to project themselves with impact and presence. Exploring the voice is fun and can significantly enhance your life.
SomaHolis understands the voice as an integral part of the whole body system – not as a separate function. A healthy functioning voice requires the support of the whole muscular and skeletal system.
Performance Coaching
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts…”
A performance can be defined as a social interaction between two or more people where each individual adopts a role. Most of the time we adopt the role unconsciously and how well we perform our role will depends on our innate knowledge and understanding of what we are doing.
Most of the time we perform more than adequately to get by, however, sometimes we are required to perform outside our comfort zone – maybe it is a presentation/speech we have to give, or an interview we have to attend. In order to succeed we need to perform confidently.
SomaHolis Performance Coaching helps you to define, develop and practise your performance that is not only fun but enables you to achieve the results you desire.
Performance Method Singing
Not only is singing a fun, fulfilling and creative activity it is amazingly healthy providing significant benefits for the whole of your body.
Performance Method Singing is a holistic approach to voice for anyone who would like to sing and explore the many psychological and physical benefits to be gained from developing their voice.
The aim of Performance Method Singing is to enable you to:
Conscious Body Awareness
Conscious Body Awareness is a way of experiencing one’s self that enables the individual to improve their performance in all areas of their life whilst at the same time promote personal health and wellbeing. Paul employs a form of developmental coaching using meditation, guided attention and gentle body work to enable people to develop Conscious Body Awareness.
Specifically Conscious Body Awareness can help people develop:
SomaHolis Publications
SomaHolis Publications is the imprint for The Insidious Vine Trilogy (esoteric/dystopian/psychological tales written by Paul Ogden.)
The trilogy consists of three books: The Insidious Vine (also available as an audio book), The Insidious Sign, and The Insidious Line. All three books are available in one hardback edition, The Insidious Vine Trilogy. For more information, please also see
SomaHolis Publications also publishes/edits books of an esoteric/philosophical nature on behalf of other writers. For more details please get in touch.